Technical Support
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If you have an issue with your account or questions about the platform, you can fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you. If you encounter an issue with the platform, you can log in to the dashboard and submit a ticket.
To speak directly with one of our developers, please include this request in your message when you contact support.
All new users start with a free trial account, a $20.00 credit, and one randomly assigned long code number. Developing with a trial account gives you the same experience and access to features as a full paid account, with a few restrictions to ensure the security of the platform. Please reference our Using Your Free Trial Account guide for more information.
Your account was likely suspended due to suspected misuse of the platform or unpaid charges, as outline in the Terms of Service. While your account is suspended, you cannot access FreeClimb API Services or your data until the issue has been resolved. Suspension is temporary and your account can be reactivated. For more details on why your account was suspended and how to reactivate it, please submit a ticket.
Your account was likely suspended due to suspected misuse of the platform or unpaid charges, as outline in the Terms of Service. While your account is suspended, you cannot access FreeClimb API Services or your data until the issue has been resolved. Suspension is temporary and your account can be reactivated. For more details on why your account was suspended and how to reactivate it, please submit a ticket.
How you’re billed is up to you. Prepaid billing automatically replenishes your balance with your selected top-up amount whenever your balance drops below $10.00. If your account balance falls below $0, we will charge your account for the negative balance plus your selected top-up amount. This will avoid multiple charges to your account in one day. Billing is updated at the top of every hour, so that’s when you’ll see changes to your account balance. To discuss other options such as monthly billing, please contact us at for more details. For information about pricing, please reference our pricing page.
To access or request deletion of your data associated with FreeClimb API Services, please contact or write to us at:
FreeClimb LLC
Attn: FreeClimb API Services Data Privacy
570 Lake Cook Road STE 400
Deerfield, IL 60015
For more information about how FreeClimb handles your data, please reference our privacy notice.
All FreeClimb API release notes and other important API information can be found in the changelog.
The FreeClimb REST API handles application-initiated actions and making requests to your application while PerCL is a command language, which you can use to direct the API. For example, if a call comes onto the platform for a number you’ve purchased and assigned to an application, the REST API will make a request to that application at the endpoint you’ve specified. In your application’s response to the request, you can return PerCL that instructs the API what to do with the call. For more information, please reference our PerCL and API documentation.
While FreeClimb API does not currently provide built-in grammars for voice, we offer a guide on How to Write Grammars. You can also use third-party speech recognition tools, such as Google Cloud’s Speech-to-Text.
To prevent misuse of the platform and keep FreeClimb API free of spammers, all trial users are required to verify outbound numbers prior to use. For information on how to verify outbound numbers, please reference Using Your Free Trial Account. NOTE: only US-based numbers are supported at this time.
Toll-free and long code numbers differ in terms of capability and cost, so they should be selected based on your specific use case. To match your use case with the most appropriate number type, please reference Understanding Number Types.
FreeClimb API offers short codes for SMS services. Please contact our sales team at for more details.
FreeClimb API supports playback of single-channel, 8 kHz, 8-bit μ-law WAV files. These files must be stored in a location that is available via URL. You can convert files to this format using an audio editor. Audacity is a free, open source option.
- Import the source audio.
- Adjust the project rate to 8 kHz.
- If the source is recorded in more than one channel, convert it to mono.
- Export the track, selecting the μ-law encoding.
The FreeClimb API technical support team is available Monday – Friday, 9-5pm Central Time to answer any inquiries.
We monitor the FreeClimb API tag on Stack Overflow for your questions regarding how-tos, error messages, and more. You can expect a response from us or other FreeClimb API users within a day — and make sure to tag your questions with FreeClimb API.